Friday 26 April 2019

The Foundation of Sustainable Success is Wisdom– Elijah Oluwagbemiga

Principles are the blueprint to achievements in life. Achieving astounding success is a result of engaging deliberate principles. Attaining success requires an intentional effort. Every wealthy man in history and alive did not attain wealth by fluke. Wisdom is the firm foundation on which sustainable success is built. Elijah Oluwagbemiga shares his quotes on wisdom and reveals where he draws his inspiration on a daily basis.
Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find and knock and it shall be opened. As simple as that sounds, it is not in practice. There is a major undertone embedded in this popular verse from the scriptures (Matthew 7:7). This undertone needs to be understood before that verse could deliver. Life is not magic where commands are made and you instantly get results. It takes a consistent effort in engaging in instructions. Although, there are levels to it. Those who have attained the height of mastery make commands and see results instantly. But Rome was not built in a day. These masters are a product of the continuous and persistent application of certain principles. No shortcuts to greatness. A man who desires greatness must be willing to go through every level of the process. He must be willing to sacrifice and to discipline himself on a daily basis. Although, the process is a life long one, it is demanded to consistently improve on a daily basis. That's if we truly crave for a sustainable success. Hence, the saying that- I am only in competition with myself. I must take up the challenge of being better than I was yesterday on a daily basis.
Talking about wisdom, there is but one authority who must be consulted on a daily basis. He is regarded as the wisest man and also the richest man who ever lived. He is long dead even before the birth of Jesus Christ but thank God, he documented his principles in his books. From him, we learnt that wisdom is the principal thing. This means that if we have wisdom, all other things will fall in place. He was the wisest man ever and also the richest man ever with an estimated net worth of over a trillion dollars in today's  economics.
The Calling
I have searched and searched for my calling in life just like every great man did who walked this earth. I have engaged in a whole lot such as Art, that is, drawing and painting which I did exceptionally well before my teen years. I also discovered my talent as a rapper with unparalleled talent- stage name- Miggaveli. Now, I write and do other businesses. Despite my adventures, I had always felt an emptiness. I believe this was due to a lack of vision. I needed one thing to run with or better put, fly with all my life. The 25th of April 2019 marked a turning point in my life. It provided the answer I had been looking for all this while. It revealed to me my vision and how to run with it.
The Vision
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Elijah Oluwagbemiga[/caption]

The vision is to be WISE and to impart same. No two things to it. Everything I do, everything I find myself doing should reflect wisdom for the sole aim of impartation to those who get to come across my works. Be it writing, music, painting, drawing, business, relationship... whatever it is, it must reflect wisdom and rub on my clients. So the vision is simple. I am charged with building a legacy of wisdom which should be passed from generation to generation.
Initial Homepage
The fist time I built my website's homepage, I professed my niche to be centered around Sustainable Development. But Sustainable development Goals (SDGs) have a limited span. The date set for the goals to be achieved is 2030 but my vision transcends 2030. My vision will echo beyond the 21st century. God's plan is revealed in stages. I must confess, this is evident in my choices. I was thinking Sustainable Development Goals will be the writing niche for this website, not knowing that His plan and vision for me exceeds that.
The Niche
The new niche is the foundation of sustainable success which is WISDOM. My writings will be inspired by the principles of King Solomon, the wealthiest man who ever lived which in turn will impart my readers. You have no idea of how excited I am. Once in a while, I can still write about Sustainable Development Goals and lend some wisdom to how they can be achieved before 2030.
I hope you follow me on my journey where I will be revealing the principles that guarantee sustainable success via my blog. It is not enough to succeed on just a plan. Success should be a lifestyle, a way of life. Elijah Oluwagbemiga believes that the foundation of sustainable success is wisdom.
Subscribe below to read articles with the intent to impart wisdom, for wisdom is the principal thing and it is profitable to direct. Wisdom when gotten, puts one's life in order. No wonder why the wealthiest man that ever lived was also the richest man that ever lived.
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