Thursday 5 December 2019

11 Colors and their Spiritual & Psychological Representations by Elijah Oluwagbemiga

Colors play significant roles in everyday life. It will interest you to know that from the food we eat to the clothes we wear, colors denote certain spiritual and psychological representations that can benefit us. But how would they benefit us if we have no knowledge of what they symbolize? This is why this article aims at providing pieces of information verified from reliable and authoritative sources about what these 11 selected colors spiritually and psychologically symbolize and how they can be used to our advantage.

1. Spiritual and Psychological Representation of the color Green
Green is a secondary color and it is the product of combining two primary colors namely- Blue and Yellow. Green symbolizes ecology and it signifies growth, fertility and rebirth. ( It represents nature, as in, plants and herbs. Plants and herbs have been proven to have natural healing tendencies ( This is why medical doctors prescribe organic foods particularly greens, that is, vegetables such as cucumbers and even green tea for cancer patients and also as preventive remedies for the growth of cancerous tumors. The color green also symbolizes abundance, as in wealth and health.
Spiritually, it is believed that when we meditate with green, we tend to benefit the healing power this color represents. It has been psychologically proven that the green color is responsible for emotional balance which in turn gives us the ability to care for ourselves and others unconditionally ( Despite the positive attributes associated with this color, such as money, balance, life and health, the green color also has negative attributes attached to it. For example, such attributes as envy and greed. Psychologically, when we think of green, it triggers thoughts of peace and harmony. It is believed that green creates a balance between the logical mind and our emotions. ( Loving the green color tells a lot about personality. Those who love green are believed to love their privacy. Since green is not a color that courts attention, lovers of green are believed to love their privacy and really do not give a hoot about their appearance.
2. Red
The name alone brings thoughts to the mind. Thoughts of danger, attraction, love, anger, excitements, fear, caution and so on. This color has a long list of what it symbolizes. For instance, it represents 'STOP!' on the traffic light. It also represents love as in, Valentine’s Day official color and has been the preferred color for the symbol of love except in recent times (the age of emoticons) that has introduced us to diverse colors for the love symbol.
Psychologically, this color is associated with our urge to survive and our carnal needs such as sex. A beautiful lady in a red dress will stand out from other ladies in totally different colors in a party. This is because red captivates. It symbolizes pride and strength on flags. Spiritually, meditating with red helps us heighten our personal security and deepens our passion ( Do you want to love your spouse better, why not take out some time to meditate with this color?

3. Blue
Looking up to the sky gives us a feeling of hope. Hope in a higher power that guarantees the assurance that everything will be alright. This might be due to its symbolic representation of trust, tranquility and harmony. Despite its positive attributes, this primary color has been scientifically proven to be responsible for frigidity in some women ( Psychologically, the blue color has a calming effect on us. It reduces metabolism. A focus on blue relaxes the nerves. The lighter the blue, the freer we feel. Spiritually, it is believed that meditating with sky-blue helps improve communication skills. ( You can give it a try if you would love to improve your communication skills.
4. White
Spiritually, this color represents purity. It symbolizes faith, goodness, innocence and peace. The color white also attracts reverence from people. For the cleansing of the spirit, soul and body, the white chakra suggests that meditation should be done on white light ( Psychologically, white represents a new beginning. That is, a slate has been wiped clean thereby giving opportunity for us to make amendments and not to repeat the errors of the past.
5. Black
This color connotes mystic. It commands obedience and instills fear. It is also used to represent mourning. This color has been associated with all things evil and bad, as in, blackmail, blacklist, blackball etc. The color psychology of black denotes power and control because it holds all information and objects without sharing. ( Black has a lot of significance. Black hides things while white brings them to light. As obese people, we hide our weight with black clothing and some disguise their insecurity and fear under the black shade.
 Spiritually, meditating with black opens up the mind to the revelation of mysteries that surrounds the universe (
6. Pink
Pink is ascribed to feminism. It connotes tenderness and care. It's the symbol of spring and softness. Spiritually, meditating with pink expels bitterness and replaces it with sweetness. ( Psychologically, pink inspires comfort and it is also a sign of hope. If your best color is pink, it is psychologically believed that you are loving, emotional, affectionate, romantic, intuitive, empathetic and even immature. Pink is the result from combining red and white together. Therefore, it gets its characteristics from white and red. For example, its passion and energy is gotten from red and its peace and tranquility from white. While the red color is associated with lust and love, the pink color is softer and rather associated with love and romance with sensitivity attached to it. If your best color is pink, it is believed that you exhume certain feminine characteristics, such as neediness. There is also a probability that you do not care what others think which shows that you do not conform to the norm. You court attention at all cost and you are probably an impulsive person who ponders before taking actions.
Although men have been seen to be wearing pink these days, this means that such men care about how they are perceived. They are in tune with vogue which makes them trendy and fashionable which are of course feminine characteristics. Despite its positive attributes such as being calm, reserved, collected and caring, it also has negative underpinnings such as immaturity and being highly emotional. (

7. Purple
This color represents royalty and authority. It inspires creativity and independence. Psychologically, purple represents the linkage between the physical and spiritual world and also a linkage between intention and deeds ( spiritually, one way to tap into the paths of wisdom is to meditate with purple. This color is associated with luxury, spirituality and mysteries. If your best color is purple, you are believed to cultivate an air of mystery, uniqueness, spirituality, majestic, magic, compassion and even suppression. Purple loving individuals do not care about what others think of fashion making them highly individualistic people, they take priority in dignifying themselves which makes them feel they are better than others and are somewhat inward thinkers. They believe that it is solely their responsibility to take charge of their lives and destiny. Purple loving people find it difficult to agree with opinions that contradict theirs. They are often late comers because they do not pay attention to time, they spend most of the time in their head fantasizing and are not sensitive about their environment and others. They love luxury and always aspire to get the very best of it. Purple lovers are not practical, they have idealistic notions about the world. They are spiritual and are believed to possess psychic powers. It will interest you to know that when they are hurt, they do not show it based on their pride.
8. Gold
This color represents wealth and masculinity. It is a symbolic representation of kingdoms, empires, endurance, the energy from the sun and the king of the jungle, lion. Spiritually, it is believed that when you meditate with gold, you open yourself to wealth and courage. Psychologically, gold denotes achievements and triumph.  It signifies affluence, wealth, prosperity, prestige and well-being. (
9. Silver
Although the silver color also denotes wealth and prosperity, unlike the gold color which represents masculine energy, silver represents feminine energy. It is associated with knowledge, high-tech and it is believed to bring balance emotionally and physically to those exposed to it ( As gold symbolizes the sun, silver symbolizes the moon. Spiritually, "to open the feminine qualities, meditate on silver." (
10. Gray
The gray color depicts good taste. It symbolizes dignity and respect for self. Gray is a color that stands for infinite interpretations. Spiritually, one way we can get access to more options in our lives is to meditate on different shades of gray (
Psychologically, the gray color depicts compromise based on its impartiality and indecisiveness of choosing whether it is white or black. It is a controversial color based on its various shades. It transitions between white and black making it controversial when its shade is closer to black or even closer to white. (
11. Yellow.
In color psychology, yellow represents intellect. It's the symbolic color of the mind. This color denotes optimism and cheerfulness. Although it has its negative indications too which suggests impatience, cowardice and criticism. ( Yellow promotes feelings of energy and it’s mostly the color used to depict sportsmanship. Most drinks prescribed for athletes are branded in yellow. Psychologically, when we see the yellow color, it reminds us of vacations, summer and happy memories. It grabs attention like the red color but it is believed to be the brightest of all colors which crowns it as the brightest the eyes can see. May be because of the sun and summer time. ( Wearing yellow or owning a yellow car pass across a lot of information about an individual although non-verbally. Those who have flair for the yellow color are believed to be jovial and naturally fun to be with. Although these people are unique in their way, they court attention so much and this gives their temperament away as sanguine. If yellow is your favorite color, we could put these facts about your personality to test. Probably, you are vast when it comes to acquiring knowledge. You do not concentrate on a particular field, rather, you have a broad base of diverse knowledge. Prove me wrong. Delayed gratification is not your style. Spending as soon as you earn without thinking about the consequences is what comes natural to you. You have a superiority complex which often tempts you to think you are better than others. You solve problems on the spot as you are always prepared to wrack your brains. Irrespective of how you feel, you put on a smiling face.
Spiritually, the color yellow can help us boost confidence and courage by meditating with it. (

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