Monday 18 September 2017


You can be greater than Leonardo or Albert because you have been given an age that supersedes theirs. You have been given a computer and an internet so you must surpass them.
When you get mocked at, like Leonardo, press on. You might feel saddened but it will be for a moment. Your power is greater than that of sadness so you must soldier on. ‘Textify’ your thoughts and long after your demise, you will remain here on earth in texts and words that will echo into generations yet unborn.
You are special, know that. You are great, say it all the time. You are a god in flesh but pardon your shortcomings. You have been trapped in emotions; blame nothing but your flesh.  It is your flesh, so blame yourself. You must rise above emotions and limitations. Like the phoenix, you will rise from ashes. You are new, pure and holy. Live by a code which is a path to eternal greatness. You must do more and more and go the extra mile like Leonardo. You must attempt to think what has never been thought before.
The bar must be high, raised so very high because you must detest competition.
These words will be quoted by thousands in centuries to come.

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