Monday 18 September 2017


Let’s reason together.
Imagine GOD, a Spirit we pray to, whom we never see. No matter how much faith we have in the prayer of- “God, please show your face” He will not answer. He will never show His face, at least not now, not in our life time.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t doubt His existence. I pray to Him too, He answers, yes He does sometimes. Many a time, it takes a whole lot of years for an answer to come. Sometimes, I even forget I had asked something from Him.
I once came across a quote, by whom I really can’t tell since it is ascribed to a whole lot of individuals. This time, it was ascribed to Al Paccino. The quote goes thus- “I prayed to God for a bike but I know God don’t work that way, so I stole a bike and asked him for forgiveness” Damn! This got me thinking.
Our faith in God is in different levels. How do I explain this? Okay, you have complete faith in God for mercy and forgiveness, for redemption and for salvation but you are skeptical as to other requests. Hmmm.. Such requests as- Please I need a job, surprise me today Lord, send me an angel, heal me father… and so forth.  
You know God answers prayers, yet you work your ass out. You work so hard for your daily bread despite the prayers and fastings… smart you.
A Bishop once said- “God doesn’t answer to irresponsible faith.” Now I get it. What the bishop means is that man needs to show God he deserves what he is asking. Damn! But come to think of it, man never asked for Jesus, man did not deserve having Jesus die for him but according to the greatest literature of all time and age, it is by grace that we were saved and so was qualified for the free gift.
I might have stirred your mind and awaken some thoughts which of course will lead to a dead end if a debate ensued. But pal, that’s not the essence of this article. I believe in proto-types and I wrote this article to explain how man can be or rather should be the God proto-type. God has it His way, He answers to no one, He is unquestionable and unconscionable, I AM THAT I AM, YAWEH, GOD of gods, KING of kings, everlasting and every other name you can think of.
I believe the God proto-type is the same. He can be everlasting; he can be a master human like Jesus is, a superior being, a super human, like God himself. Like begets like. A lion will not give birth to a goat neither will an elephant give birth to a rat. There is this popular belief that God is our father, therefore I believe that God begets Gods and not gods.
The super human is God in flesh, the super human confesses God in flesh. The super human is advanced in thoughts and understanding, the super human’s ways are perceived as a heresy because mere humans do not understand the ways of God just like why he chose never to show His face, He will never explain to you. All these God qualities are what the master human possesses.
A master man is in total control of his mind but can get jealous. A master man is merciful but will not answer all your requests and will give no explanations for it. The master man is perfect in all his ways, irrespective of how you perceive them. The master man works the earth, the master man possess master qualities since it is made up of mixed traits. The master man is gentle and unmerciful to those who disbelief him, he will never pardon evil, he has the other side of God. He will never forgive rebellion, yet he created heaven on the earth he walks, he performs miracles, he learns and teaches.
You can become a master man, a master human, a proto-type of God. You can be so affluent, yet sacrifice your wealth for a greater course.



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