Monday 25 September 2017


We are all in bondage. May be not all of us but every un-emancipated soul. We cry when a man is free at last thinking life ends here on earth.
He is gone, she is free. Free from the prison called body.
His spirit is free at last from the battles of the flesh. Emotions have no more dominion neither does hurt or pain.
He is free at last. She has begun an unending journey. Life here is a shadow of the journey hereafter.
We cry because we are not emancipated, at least not enough. We cry for we are conquered by the fear of death.
Our cry is selfish, not that we cry for the departed but for the gains we will miss and for when it will be our turn.
Meditate always before you go to bed, reflect on your life and the reality that it is numbered.
No one will make it out alive for everyman has his own rapture.

One day, you will pop your clogs, don't worry.

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