Tuesday 22 May 2018

Muhammadu Buhari the Gerentocrat: Reason behind Inflation

This article solely seeks to explain the reason for inflation in Nigeria since 2015.
This write up was inspired by an argument that ensued between me and my brother. I am a graduate of International Relations and my brother on the other hand is an Economist.

Without boring you, let me get straight to the point. Our argument was based on why Nigeria is suffering from inflation. Why would a sachet of pure water be N 10? He based his arguments on certain economic theories which I must confess, I cannot remember cause he wasn't communicating to me based on his economic jargon.

Well, me on the other hand argued from the realist point of view and I was amazed to see my economist brother hush because he saw sense in my argument.

 I told him the inflation is artificial. It is artificially mechanized by the Federal government. And how?
I told him that since Nigeria is plagued with a mono-cultural economy having oil as the major source of generating FOREX, it is very easy to stage inflation.

It is very simple. Increase the pump price of oil and the price of every other commodity will sky rocket since the production and importation of these commodities are based on oil price. SHIKENAH!

If Goodluck Jonathan could reduce the pump price of petrol from N97 to N87 overnight, it is apparent that the Federal government can at will cause inflation and deflation.

Don't forget, when Buhari assumed office in 2015, he deducted 50 kobo from the pump price making it N86.50. This move supports my argument that the Federal government can either make life conducive or hell for Nigerian citizens.

Before we could say Jack Robinson, Pa Buhari almost doubled the pump price by adding a whole N58.50. To what end you may ask. Of course, to stage an artificial inflation.

I do not care the explanations behind this unkind act in a country where crude oil flows like milk and honey, yet, the citizens are suffering.

All I can say is that the new FGN that is— APC is amassing wealth for 2019 elections.

Buhari or Buhari 2019! It's gonna be a do or die for the Gerentocrat.

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