Thursday 31 May 2018



Hello there. Have you ever wondered about what it really takes to become very rich? Have you tried different principles and you are not yet very rich?

Sure, you have read a whole lot of books on personal finance but you are back to the rat race. May be you have even given up on these self-development books on how to get very rich.

My friend, worry no more. You are reading the right post. This post will open your eyes to your mistakes and would teach you the exact secret you need to know about getting very rich.

Everyone wants to get very rich but the sad truth is that everyone will not get very rich. Most won’t get rich, some will get rich and just a few will get very rich.

Why you won’t be rich?
Beware of the doubters, the onlookers, the critics, the talkers and never doers, the castigators, the lazy people. 

Simply, I call them Thomas or God’s younger brother for them to know why a principle or idea will not work.

It is said that FedEx was seen to be an average idea by Frederick Wallace’s lecturer who scored the idea a “C”.  So unfortunate for this so called God’s younger brother, the monopolistic judge over business ideas who knows what and what ideas would succeed and not.

These are people you should beware of. The dream killers who will go at anything to drag you down and belittle your dreams.

If you listen to them, I bet you, you won’t be rich. Had Frederick Wallace “Fred” Smith listened to his lecturer, we wouldn’t have known FedEx. He might have never even been rich.

Why you will get rich
It is simple. If you are focused. You are clear on your purpose and you put the right work in, you will be rich. Those who are clear on their purpose and those who put in the required effort to achieve their goals will be rich. 

They do not listen to dream killers. They do not even give dream killers chance to utter negative vibes that will kill their dream. Rather, they are focus and they maintain singleness of purpose.

How to become very rich
This has brought us to the core and essence of the article. How do I become very rich? Hmmm, it’s hard all the day. Nothing good comes easy. 

You must be prepared to be hard on yourself and never to believe there is any shortcut to becoming very rich.

You might have thought to yourself- I know a man who earns 3 times more than another man. But this big earner his not as financially successful as the small earner.

The amount you earn does not determine your financial success. You can earn $250,000 a year and have nothing to show for it. 

While a man who earns $25,000 a year could be far financially successful than you are.
My friend, to become very rich is not easy and it is not a day job. It requires persistence, pain, sticking to your plan for a long time.

Rome was not built in a day you know. Imagine if Rome was built in a day, I bet it, you will not value Rome.

So without wasting much of your time let’s go straight to the only way to become very rich.
My friend, are you sure you want to become very rich? Then you need to do these things:
1.       Save half of all your income

I know you have heard this a lot but guy, it is not easy at all. By saving half of all your income, you have to do away with a whole lot of things. Your life will drastically change. You might lose weight but sure, it is going to worth it at the long run.
 Stick to saving half of all your income
Oh boy, you have to be very hard on yourself. You must be very disciplined my guy. Saving half of all your income is not easy but if you want to become very rich, you must be disciplined. Never break it once no matter what happens except the situation is life threatening.
 Think of a viable venture and invest in
It is not enough to save half of all you earn. While saving half of what you earn, it is important you think of a business to invest the stacked up cheese you have saved over the month or years.

 Please, do not invest in a venture you know nothing about. Please, do your research thoroughly lest you throw your hard earned money away.
  Save half of all your profit
My friend, saving half of all your income is the golden principle. You keep saving half of all your profit until you can re-invest in expanding the venture and the cycle goes on.

This is simply how to get very rich. It is simple to type and read but in reality, only a few can go through the rigor of sticking to these principles. And these are the very few that are or will be very rich. 

Be true to these steps and I can assure you in 10 years, you will be very rich. We all want to be very rich but are we willing to pay the price?

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