Saturday 25 May 2019

Here by the lake

My body sits still by the inlet of the village's lake.

My mind grows wings and sets my spirit on a flight far above the ubiquity of mediocrity that has plagued this 21st Century.

Here by the lake, I cleanse my mind of the filth of technology and erase from my memory the askance look of many through the feel of tranquility.

Here by the lake, my eyes gets heavy as the clouds, ready to pour down tears like the rain, to cleanse my soul from the ubiquity of ignorance that has plagued humanity.

I surprise all when I overlook insults with a smile that magnifies my mortality to a godlike status.

The walls have ears and echo gossips from the lips of the village's chiefs.
They speak of my difference and wish I was king.

Wisdom speaks through silence, I learnt this by the lake while lost in sweet thoughts of positivity.

For hours, I have pondered on how beautiful the world will be if many seek solace in solitude like I often do here by the lake.

I'd rather die than tell a fib to live for a hundred years.

I'd rather utter gratitude in obedience to my conscience than offer sacrifices of a thousand grouse.

Here by the lake, I find answers to the complex questions of life.

Here, nature whispers the solutions to the problems of humanity.

Listen, the water speaks and the breeze concurs.

They both speak of LOVE and harmony as the only road to peace.

Here by the lake, the puzzle called religion is solved.

Division is the enemy but LOVE is the friend.

That's my religion –TRUE LOVE for humanity

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