Monday 3 June 2019

Elijah Oluwagbemiga Content Creation (eocc)

Hmmmm, how do I start to write about Elijah Oluwagbemiga Content Creation (eocc)? A gazillion of words are contending on the battle field of my mind. Contending to be the first to be spelt out on my homepage. I think their battle is a futile one. None succeeded to be the first but rather, an ordinary exclamation of hesitation-  "hmmmm" effortlessly won the victory without contention. You can scroll back up and look at the first word. Amazing right? Now let's start.
How do I first introduce myself to you?  Okay, I should probably start by thanking you for visiting my website and for taking out time to read this wonderfully written piece on my homepage. Thank you so much. I feel very humbled. Please don't forget to subscribe below so you could effortlessly receive updates via e-mail.
I am Elijah Oluwagbemiga, in October 2018, precisely on the 12th day, I registered a company I called Elijah Oluwagbemiga Content Creation (eocc). This company was established for the sole purpose of rendering writing SERVICES . It's quite funny that a chap who holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science would eventually become a writer. Of course, I can read your mind just like I read my dad's mind too. He was soooo disappointed.  Almost every time, he'd say in his husky voice - "I want you to work in an embassy or in any company that commensurates with your qualifications" I can still hear his voice loud and clear in my head.
But no one can rob a wise man of his joy. Against all odds, he will cling to what makes him happy. With humility, I apologize to anyone my decision disappointed or still disappoints or will even disappoint. Writing makes me happy and I am always prepared to use it to make my clients like you who is reading this happy.
Now back to what we were saying. Honestly, at this juncture, I would like to let you know that those gazillion of words I initially mentioned have given up. They no longer contend to be spelt out first on my homepage. I think it's their pay back time. Now, I am at their mercy, begging for them to come out of hiding. Looking and searching for the next word to write.
Don't mind me, this is how I joke with words. This is exactly why I love to write. It's a fantastic art. You get to be an authority. You do your research in a field, master it and then contribute your quota to that field. I had always said I would stick to a niche, like when I started blogging on this website, I felt I would stick to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), then later, felt I should stick to personal finance talking about wisdom, and all sorts but still, I felt this will limit my capabilities. I yearn to be a polymath. One who has mastered diverse fields. No, you are wrong and Yes, you are wrong. I can read your mind. You said a jack of all trade is master of none? Yes, I know I am not wrong. I am putting it to you now that a jack of all trade can master it all and become a master of all. Are you still wondering what my niche is? Of course, I still wonder everyday myself. Let's just stick to the business. Here, you can find out the services Elijah Oluwagbemiga Content Creation (eocc) renders SERVICES
[caption id="attachment_779" align="alignnone" width="300"]elijah oluwagbemiga content creation
eocc services[/caption]

Elijah Oluwagbemiga Content Creation (eocc) was created to help people like you draft quality content such as business plans, proposals, web content, articles, academic research, term papers... You just name it. Whatsoever is worth writing, we are up to the task. We are professional researchers with over 10 years experience and we are always prepared to deliver our best for our clients.
Do you know why we should be your best option? Wrong question. In the first place, we shouldn't even be an option. Well, if we must be an option, we should be your only option. We treat our clients' jobs like it is our job and trust me, quality is all we know and absolute contentment is what you should expect from us.
What more can we say, contact us today and you will never regret you did.
You can have a look at Elijah's PORTFOLIO

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