Monday 3 June 2019

Multidynamic entrepreneur-cum-Author

Multidynamic entrepreneur-cum-Author. Since I was 9 years old, I had displayed astute traits of a successful business man. I understood money at a very tender age and engaged in self-education of various niches.

Although l hold a Bachelor and Master degree in International Relations, I had always been fascinated with the beauty of entrepeneurship. I marvel at how wonderful an entrepreneur could turn 50 Cents to a dollar or more. I found that so amazing.

At age 10, I watched my mum closely in the kitchen. I mastered how she prepared every delicacy and everytime she's gone to work during my holidays, I practised what I had learnt and then go out to sell them to people on the street. It was so fantastic being paid at a tender age.

I also recall how I used to draw comics and sell them during break time at elementary school. My colleaugues would starve to buy my comics because they derive satisfaction from it. This is the type of satisfaction I will give you. But you don't have to starve for it.

There was a time I needed to get a new pair of sneakers. Instead of bothering my parents, I saw an abandoned GSM in my parents' room. I took a good look at it and discovered its only fault was the battery. I bought a new battery to it and flipped it for cash. The next day, I was in school in my brand new Jordan sneakers.

Almost everything I do, has an underpinning of entrepreneurship. You can imagine, my Master thesis' title is "International Trade and Nigeria's mono-culture economy: A Study of the African Catfish Aquaculture Industry."  After a successful defence, I turned it into an e-book and monetized it.

Lest I forget, it is worthy to mention this indelible experience of how I made 200% profit from petrol scarcity in 2015. l had access to two gas stations in two different cities. One had petroleum products while the other did not. I noticed that I could sell at a doubled price of the gas station that had products in the one that did not have. Without wasting time, I took the bull by the horn and everything played out just has I had predicted.

Entrepreneurship has been the ship that has sailed me through different voyages of life discoveries. I always knew I wasn't going to work for no one very early in life. I would rather become my own boss.

This mind set is responsible for the small businesses I presently run. I run a chicken and chips delivery service known as 'Chips On Wheelz' a content creation company known as Elijah Oluwagbemiga Content Creation (eocc) and other online businesses.

I find personal development, particularly personal finance very interesting so I began writing about it. Since I have a vast experience in entrepreneurship, which involves finance, I stuck to this niche. I have churned out numerous articles on personal finance.

Successful entrepreneurs identify problems and provide solutions which in turn enriches them. I discovered that money is the number one problem of majority and I am providing solutions through writing.
I write self help articles which are rich in first hand experiences. I believe I have a vast experience in handling money, so I relate these experiences to help my readers.

I have received numerous emails from people around the world thanking me for providing unique financial principles which has helped them in my writings.
I also write short fiction stories and I have published some on Medium and my website.

Presently, I am working on a self help book I believe will be a best seller. I am on here to help you with my vast experiences in entrepreneurship through providing unique articles that will definitely garner massive engagements.

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