Friday 24 November 2017


Provided in this article is a major lesson the almighty universal mammon has taught me and I hope you can relate. But it’s funny how we refuse to learn from this lesson. We keep repeating the same mistakes all over like we enjoy it or we are addicted or something.
Imagine a man who is broke. I mean, very broke. This man has been searching for a freelance job. Let’s say he’s a writer. Heavens so good, he got this lucrative offer to help create contents for a major consumer company. The contract was simple. You work, we check your work and if we like it, we pay. I do not care how much he was offered, all I know is that he was dead broke before this job.
As a broke and hungry man, he worked his ass out and delivered his best. To cut the whole story short, he was paid. Immediately he received the payment, he went shopping and before he got back home, the money was gone. I mean he had spent every penny. Now, he’s back to square one. Broke again.
The funny thing is— while he was broke, he made a whole lot of promises to himself that the next money he gets was going to be optimally utilized. He was going to invest it no matter how small the investment was. But after he got paid, his senses flew off. He completely forgot his broke days. The money he got changed him. His true nature was revealed.
I bet, majority can relate to this story. While we are broke, we seem to be very wise. Financial intelligence seems to dominate our faculties but the moment we get money, we forget our initial state. We squander this hard earned dough on short ranged goals, pleasure, addictions and the like. Then we remember the list of investments we had written in that book of ideas when we were broke. We all have that book don’t we? Lol.
 We are always smarter when we don’t have much. We become chief financial advisers to those who have and a chief judge, judging how those who have should spend their money. We even go as far as rendering unkind remarks about the rich when they make investments we don’t find reasonable. Wow! What a reasonable broke man we have become.
When the money comes, I mean when the sunny days replace the gray skies, the reasonable broke man becomes a foolish rich man. And it’s a cycle. Since the foolish rich man who we become for a few days has no means of recycling funds, he becomes broke again.
The question is— “when or how can the reasonable broke man become a wise rich man?” When will this foolish rich man stop squandering funds and remain rich?
This is the major problem majority face in the society. Running through the day in a system designed to make us rich then poor before the month ends. It is the cycle and that’s how it has been designed— a rat race.
Only few break off from this cycle. They are mainly those who we call boss. I mean true bosses , not the self-acclaimed boss who fools himself or herself on social media.  The CEO of your company, the owner of your school, the founder of your church…… Those are the real bosses. They own, they make the rules, they are free, they are in charge. They are not bound by the rules they make but you are once you are in their organization. They feed you, they do not force you, you have no choice.
But I tell you today, YOU have a choice.
The only way out of this Always-broke-again cycle is to become one of them.  Create yours and make it work. Make it work for others. Until then, you will remain a reasonable broke man or a foolish rich man who has coins for a limited time before becoming broke again.

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