Saturday 25 November 2017

Financial Universal truth

Hello there. Trust me, I won't bore you with a lengthy article about the do's and don'ts of finances or give you a long list of financial "Thou shalt nots."

This article provides you with just one truth. A basic truth on personal finance. It simply explains the only way to get rich— may be, but sure— content and prevent gloom in that day of financial doom.

Save! Save!! Save!!! For what you save now will save you when the days come with storms. Trust me, those days will surely come knocking on your door like a thief at night, showing up un-expectedly.  You cannot prevent these days from showing up for they will surely come. But all you can do is put in measures NOW to ensure survival and independence against that rainy day.

You must be FRUGAL. You must be so economical with every penny you get NOW. For the man who detests this practice and yet do not practise frugality cannever be rich and will bear the brunts when the stormy days come. He will be left alone with his "co-believers" outside the ark that shields from wants, lack, poverty which are known to come with rainy days for fools like him.

Jesus died for you, you need to believe this and on the third day, resurrected that you may be free from the power and oppression of that wicked one. He translated you from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom full of his marvellous light, compassion, mercies and grace. You should know this but this is not the message right now.

What I am preaching to you is to believe in savings. No matter how meagre you earn, make sure you save a fraction you must not touch. Keep saving and accumulating. Have long-range goals engraved on your mind, don't forget them. For a man or woman who spends all he or she earns will never be rich.

Your savings will save you when that day comes, that day full of hunger and recession. That day that does not inform before arrival, that day will come like a thief in the night. Surely, it will come but when it does, will you survive it with a smile and plenty for you and your family? Or you will be that man begging Noah to let him in after the ark is closed? For by that time, Noah will not hear you.

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